Monday, September 7, 2009

16 Days of Activism-End Violence Against Women

‘Commit • Act • Demand: We CAN End Violence Against Women!’

‘Each year since 1991, tens of thousands of activists from every region of the world have taken part in the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence Campaign. The campaign’s central messages – women’s rights are human rights and violence against women constitutes a violation of human rights – have been a rallying call of the women’s movement. Recognizing that violence against women affects people from every country, race, class, culture, and religion, the 16 Days Campaign provides an opportunity for activists to work together in solidarity and draw upon this period of heightened international attention to gain support for their local efforts’.

Violence against women has been a focus of Soroptimist projects for many years. Members have acted in many ways to stop trafficking of women and girls, support those working with abused women and lobbying to change laws which impact on women’s rights.

Between 25th November and 10th December women all over the world will be acting to change many women’s lives. Let us join them and make our voices heard again! 2009 is the 10th anniversary of the United Nations’ formal recognition of November 25th as International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. We can make sure that our countries are carrying out their promises to women having signed relevant UN protocols. Look at the website

Our Programme Focus Objectives if carried out will prevent Violence Against Women.
‘End human trafficking and all forms of violence against women and girls’
We are committed to action!!

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