Sunday, December 13, 2009

COP 15- Soroptimists are there!

Tuvalu sets the scene at COP 15 – Notes from SI International President Hanne Jensbo

15,000 Heads of States, delegates, press and NGO’s are in the Bella Center, where the negotiations are taking place. It is a really global platform, with all kinds of culture and personalities.

The small state of Tuvalu, consisting of 9 Islands East of Australia is fighting for their survival and made " drama" at the meeting in Copenhagen. I attended the meeting in the plenary session on Wednesday and heard how Tuvalu dominated the summit by putting some questions that most of the delegates wanted to avoid. Tuvalu proposes that the rise of global temperature must not exceed 1.5 degrees, otherwise, the proclaim, the islands will disappear in the Pacific Ocean! In contrast to this proposal the wealthier "rich" countries proposed a 2 degree limit in global temperature.

A lots of side events are taking place. It is my impression that the developing countries have sent very strong delegates to promote their views. Yesterday I heard the Climate negotiator from Bolivia, Angela Navarro,ask for support and understanding from the "rich" countries to show solidarity at the Climate Change conference and “ pay their debt back” to the poor countries.

In the “alternative” Forum for NGO’s in the center of Copenhagen the Danish stall had a lot of visitors, who are informed about SI climate activities and about Soroptimism.

I happened to meet a Soroptimist from the New York club, Natalia Kostus who represents the GGCA (Global Gender and Climate Action). Her organisation has worked actively for implementing the “Gender Perspectives” in the final Climate Declaration for more than two years and I gave them the fully support of Soroptimist International.

It will now be exciting to see, how the meetings will go on in the next week, where all the Heads of States will arrive.

Many activists have proclaimed their demonstrations so it will likely be a dramatic week, Hopefully a final declaration about the Climate Change will be agreed on to replace the Kyoto declaration, which runs out in 2012.

Copenhagen 11 December 2009.

Hanne Jensbo

International President.

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