Sunday, December 13, 2009

COP 15- Soroptimists Prepare To Participate

COP 15- Women are the Biggest Victims

In an article from a Danish Newspaper printed a week before COP 15:

“Hanne Jensbo will participate in the Summit Meeting on behalf of 90,000 Soroptimist International members and take part in the debate. She will focus on equality and emphasize that women must take part in the decision-making for a change of the climate. The women –especially those from developing countries - are the ones, who are the most vulnerable and suffer most in the climate changes, such as when it is draught and floods……”

She also will affirm “that NGO’s and Civil Society have to have an important role in the conference as their messages and actions are important in the debate”

Hanne was interviewed in Copenhagen last Saturday when she brought several sacks of warm clothes (coats, sweater, hats, gloves, boots etc) to offer to those participants in the COP 15, who are not prepared for the cold Danish winter.

The second hand clothes were all collected by Danish Soroptimists.

As mentioned earlier SI has three seats at the Summit Meetings in the Bella Centre with Ban Ki-moon and 122 the Heads of States.

SI will be present and lobby for Soroptimist views.

Danish Soroptimists have a stand in the Global Forum (alternative COP 15) and will show videos with clip from climate activities

Stay tuned to the SI Blog for up to date news!

I try to live up to my motto: Action Speaks louder than Words!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the part about the sacks of clothes! That is a gesture at the same time,so feminine, so practical.