Monday, March 1, 2010

CSW 54- Another Point of View

CSW 54- Second Time Attendee-Carol Anne Parrish- Her Views
10,000 Steps
I am in a workplace fitness program where participants commit to walking 10,000 steps a day. It is harder than one would think it is. Getting started on any new thing is rough. Here I am at the UN in New York (where major renovations are underway) and things are “messy”. The sound systems don’t work well, women are loud and passionate, the weather has been fierce……and it is all worth it! The beautiful cacophony of thousands of women in rainbow colors with Tower of Babel voices makes me so glad to be in the Sisterhood of women.
The key to this Commission on the Status of Women is this statement: We are not invitees to this planet. We are participants.” Our job is to participate. What issues involving gender equity are you passionate about? Can you change it, fix it, or advocate for it?

I have heard “grassroots” here enough to understand that it is up to me to do something. The cost of gender equality is far less than the cost of gender inequality.

1 comment:

Wendy Kaiser said...

You captured the atmosphere so well and as you said it is up to each of us individually and collectively to participate and be the change, to be empowered to have/get equity for all women and girls. I just returned from CSW54 and am still sorting through my thoughts and my materials to determine my next step. It was inspiring and an experience I recommend to all.