Monday, March 8, 2010

CSW 54 Women Can't Wait

Showtime in the UN!

Today the lunch panel started with actress Meryl Streep introducing her good friend, several times award winning actor, director, dancer cum everything, Sarah Jones. With just small measures; accent, mimic, gestures and a single scarf as prop, Sarah performed during one hour, letting us know about seven women from all parts of the world, just how the legislation influenced THEIR life!

This whole ”show” turned out to be a fantastic journey, seen through the eyes of Indian, Japanese, French, Jordan, American, Orthodox-Jewish and Kenyan women. The “voices” also made us see the absurd features in the national legislations, making women being beaten, raped and murdered within the frame of marriage, without the laws being changed. In the midst of all these absurdities and idiotic governmental decisions being made, there were also laughter and lot of applauses from the big auditorium, which included Mrs Ban Ki Moon.

Did you know, for instance, that there is a law in France, forbidding women to wear trousers? In the same time there is a law ordering all French police women to wear trousers? Which makes all French police women criminals, actually! Of course you laugh at such stupidities!

Just a few quotes:

Of course I speak Queen’s English - I am from the Queens!

You know that there are states in the US that allow child marriages?

Even a man who regularly goes to jail from beating his wife, still has the power over her life!

Now the Jordan law is equal – a women can kill her husband!

Ann-Christine (Stina) Söderlund, Sweden

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