Thursday, March 4, 2010

CSW54- Mentoring the Millenial Generation

As a UN Representative for SI in NYC, I share a particular insight about this special CSW session regarding the young people. Meeting and mentoring the millennial generation, 1985-2005, has been an exciting and elevating experience for me, as a professor who teaches the UN, world culture, communication and human relationships. Today's young people come to us with an understanding and maturity who want to make a difference in the world as already as emerging and evolving young adults. They welcome us as global leaders, mentors and partners and want to learn from the wisdom we have to offer. They are highly professional and personable, caring, passionate and compassion.. to participate fully to move the women's world forward, collaboratively, together. As Soroptimists, let us continue to guide them to assume their rightful role beside us through awareness, advocacy and action towards a more peaceful, productive and positive world for all humanity, ultimately.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Inspiring words about the millenial generation. Many of us have daughters in this group.